Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where did summer go??

I'm not sure how this happened, but one day I wrote a blog post, went to bed, and woke up the next day to find that it was not in fact the next day. It was somehow 51 days later and there wasn't a blog post in sight. Speaking of sight, mine continues to be an issue (we are now on round 2 of 4 weeks of eye drops and something tells me that I will be making a trip to visit the eye doctor again.....very soon.) 

But for now, I am pretending that it feels fine and that it is not hindering my ability to sit at a computer for long periods of time.....

So here is a recap of what the last few weeks have entailed........

GARDENING - When last we spoke the pruning/planning/mulching had been completed. Despite the drought this summer brought, I've been able to keep our new plants alive. Not bad right?

 Hubby and I decided that we needed a mini getaway. Somewhere we could drive to (and by drive, not days), somewhere we had never been, and preferably that would involve seafood.

 Mystic, CT it was. 

Note - We did break up the trip by stopping the first night in Albany to visit my aunt and uncle, who surprised us with tickets to see Blue Man Group. Awesome musical talent and yes, as I pointed out to my aunt, we did just pay money to watch that man eat Captain Crunch on stage (hopefully someone has seen the show and will know what I am referring to.)

We arrived in Mystic the next day and spent a couple of days exploring a charming coastal town. Here's what we found:
  • Narrow roads with extremely friendly drivers
  • A draw bridge which is an event every 40 minutes
  • Great sunsets
  • A wonderful aquarium
  • Seafood Seafood Seafood (Angry that I forgot to take a picture of the lobster sandwich I had upon arrival....but I was mesmerized by the lobster....) 


 We returned to reality a few days later with some great memories and a new appreciation for the New England states.......

So, what else have we done you ask?

Friday night we took a trip back to our high school days. We took in the Def Leppard/Poison/Lita Ford show. Hubby's best friend and his fiance were with us as we took that trip down memory lane. Some observations from the night:
  • Why is it that I couldn't remember what I had for dinner the night before, but I could remember the words to a song that I hadn't heard in years?
  • Seeing Poison perform reminded me of their very first album - I remember hearing it when a friend brought it into our Catholic grade school class - so risque!
  • We did see a couple of people dressed in 80's rock and roll attire - leather pants, long hair, makeup (on the guys). I still haven't decided if they were just getting into the spirit of things for the night, or if they still reside in the 80's.
  • Brett Michael's mentioned Buffalo and Western NY so many times in their set that one could have made a drinking game out of it.
  • Lita Ford is 54 years old and has a new album out......go you.
  • Poison has been together 26 years.
  • Seeing hubby and his best friend playing air guitar like two teenagers was priceless.

So, what did your summer entail?

~ Adrienne

PS - Yes, I've continued working on my book - 14 chapters down......have no idea how many more to go. 

I've also added to the book collection through numerous rummage sales - just some light reading.


  1. So happy to see your little avatar on my timeline. Love your post and photos. Sounds like a good time was had by all.


  2. Sounds like you've had a great summer. Not sure if you've checked but lobster is so cheap this summer you can get it here for $5 lb. I've binged on it this year. Our supermarket will steam it for you so I don't have to make my husband nauseous. (he can't eat seafood).
    Enjoy the rest of it! We're coming into my fave time of the year, fall.

  3. @ Opinions and Barb - Thanks for your comments ladies. Good to be back...just an FYI - I may be psychic as I ended up in the doctor's office at 7am the morning after I wrote this. My eye was extremely swollen and I was in severe pain. They ended up doing surgery to remove the implants put in back in January. Long story short, apparently my body was rejecting them. Out of all the surgeries they've ever done for this I'm only 1 of 2 who have had them removed...of course :) So hopefully I will be back on the road to recovery very soon.

  4. So sorry that you had to go through the whole ordeal. Hope you are feeling like your old self sooner than soon.

