Sunday, March 9, 2014

No More Tomorrows.....

You approached us first, asking if the chair next to us was available. It was only much later that I found out you considered yourself somewhat of an introvert, someone who could never walk up to a group at a party. 

     "But you approached us at the conference," I teased.
     "There were only two of you," you had replied. "If there had been more I never would have stopped."

I thank God now that there were only 2 of us at that table.

We only met face to face for that one weekend, but in the few years that followed it was as if we'd known each other forever. The world of writing was the obvious connection, but I learned so much more about you over time. You were devoted to your boys and you were a champion of your friends. You had a kindness that came through so clearly. I remember sharing some work with you and you were so lovely in your critique, helping me to see what needed correcting, while at the same time completely embracing my words. You always took time to comment on my blog and encourage me to keep writing. Your legendary sense of humor came through in your 30 second stories and your open letters to the world. Most recently I loved your story of finding feathers as a sign from one who has passed on. Did you sense something? You had an overwhelming love of all art and you shared that with all of us. I learned how much you adored animals when you wrote of your girl Ivy and I teared up when you shared her passing. Your addition of Sophie brought a new love and joy to your heart that came through in every picture of her. Your status updates always made me laugh, or think and reflect. I loved seeing them pop up in my news feed, knowing all was right in your world. Last Sunday we exchanged tweets during the Oscars and it was like you were sitting next to me on the couch laughing away. That was Sunday...

Wednesday you were gone. 

We still can't believe that it's true - can't fathom that one so young with so much life ahead of her could disappear in the blink of an eye. You had messaged recently, asking if we would be attending the conference again this year. I told you it wouldn't work out, but that we missed you. I know in my head I was thinking there would always be next year. How easily we all believe there will always be another tomorrow. 

My heart goes out to your family and friends - I pray that they find comfort in your memory and eventually peace. I pray that we all find it. For anyone reading this, please say a prayer tonight that we all have many tomorrow's, and please pray for my friend and her family.

We'll miss you Jotter Girl....we'll be looking for our feathers.



  1. So thankful she sat at our table. So thankful. I'll miss her and am thinking of her family.

  2. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful human being, Adrienne. Your message was the first thing I saw on Thursday morning. I'm still in a state of disbelief. As we learned how it happened it became even more difficult to accept. It didn't ease the pain of such a loss. My heart breaks for her family, especially her boys.
    I've been thinking of a way to write about it, too. She touched so many of us, and we have blogging and social networking to thank for that. It was a blessing. And, I have Catherine to thank for our meeting...if only virtually.

  3. Wow, Adrienne. I am so sorry. Praying for you and for her family.

  4. Thank you everyone - my friend and I were talking about how helpless we felt living so far away. Honestly without social media we may not have known for months. I kept thinking to when we met her and how random it was for her to have picked our table. Especially after she admitted to being shy in groups. All I could think was what if she had passed us by? It is such a tragic loss and I still can't get over how senseless it is. I think for all of us who share a love of writing there is no better way to pay tribute to her than with our words. :(

  5. And yes Barbara - we have Catherine to thank for "meeting." :)

  6. So sorry for your loss Adrienne. Sending hugs and prayers. .

  7. Abundantly Sad.
    I did not know her, but feel the ache, the pain in Minnesota.
    So sorry for this deep loss.

  8. Adrienne, We just read your blog tonight that you wrote on the 9th. We were shocked to read that you lost a good friend and fellow blogger. We remember you talking about her often and we read her replies to you and opened and read some of her writings. You never mentioned it when we talked - we are so sorry for you and her family. We love you, keep writing for yourself and your friend. She would want that. Love, Mom & Dad

  9. It was and still is a shock. Hard to talk about sometimes. We'll all keep writing:)

  10. So sorry for your loss Adrienne. Sending hugs and prayers. .
